Leadership on Seven Seas

As a sailing fan, I follow favorite sailing races, especially round the globe trophies. These races are a great challenge for the teams and the most interesting part of them is that the boats and circumstances are identical for all.  They are custom made for the races by the same design and build consortium and... Continue Reading →

An Exceptional Leader

The basic description of "Leader" is "a person who rules or guides or inspires others" according to Webster and "the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country," according to Oxford Dictionary. The both descriptions are definitely correct and explain some typical characteristics of a leader. However, if we observe and try to... Continue Reading →

Investing in our future

I just want to emphasize how critical the self-development is from a professional point of view. According to my experience and observations in various environments, people don't develop themselves and prefer to spend their entire time for daily activities. Of course, daily activities are also very critical, especially in business environment. However, self-development is a long-term activity and... Continue Reading →

Here’s to the crazy ones

This time, I would like to share the original version of Apple's ad by Lee Chow. I think, this quote is very inspiring and motivating. ------------------------------------------ Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules.... Continue Reading →

IT’s Dilemma

Ten years ago, mobility wasn't so common and users were using mainly desktop computers for their daily needs and operations. Internet access for individuals wasn't so common and people didn't even hear anything about social networking. They had mobile phones for their needs to communicate with other people. Today, Internet is everywhere and people have... Continue Reading →

Smaller is better!…

  While the pressure of the global competition is increasing on all industries and businesses, companies try to find out more effective and efficient ways to win or even to survive. One of the best leverages of them is, of course and always, using information technology (IT) wider and deeper in all areas they can... Continue Reading →

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